K-12 School Security Case Study


Helping our clients create safe and secure environments wherever people learn.

How we do it

K-12 School Security

As Your Security Adviser, LARGO Consulting Services provides physical security consulting services to K-12 schools and higher education utilizing a customized process, VIZION20XX. Our process includes:

  • Conducting assessments of the school(s)
  • Evaluating electronic security systems
  • Developing Emergency Preparedness Plans
  • A Guard Force Management Review
  • Training
  • Grant Assistance
K-12 School Security

At LARGO Consulting Services, we are committed to providing the highest level of security and safety to our clients. That’s why we are proud to be approved by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency as a School Safety & Security Assessment Provider.

Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop customized solutions that meet them. With LARGO Consulting Services by your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re taking the necessary steps to keep your students, staff, and property safe.

Contact us today to learn more about our physical security consulting services and how we can help you stay protected and prepared.

Project Details

K-12 School Security


Assess the security and safety of a school district in Pennsylvania and provide solutions for upgrading the end-of-life electronic security systems, develop an All-Hazard Emergency Response Plan, provide active shooter training, and assist in the grant request.


The solution includes the system design of a unified Genetec Security Center Platform to manage access and video surveillance across seven elementary schools, two middle schools, a high school, an administrative building, and facilities services building. Additionally, LARGO developed an All-Hazards Emergency Response Plan, client-specific emergency response training, and an ongoing assessment and training process.


School District



System Design


All-Hazards Response Planning


Project Management

Grant Assistance

Our Reputation As a Industry Leader

What People Say 

Any given day, Anything Can Happen, Be Prepared



Contact Us

833.LARGOCS (833.527.4627)