Top 5 PA Act 44 Assessment Items
Top 5 PA Act 44 Assessment Items
BLOGS AND NEWS | March 9, 2023

What are the Top 5 PA Act 44 Assessment Items? In the summer of 2018,  the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) established the School Safety and Security Grant Program under PA Act 44 of 2018. The program aims to provide funding to schools while ensuring they comply with key assessment criteria items that guarantee the safety and security of students and staff.

At LARGO Secure School, we know the importance of complying with these requirements to ensure the safety and security of students and staff. That’s why we’ve picked the top 5 assessment criteria items that schools need to meet for compliance:

#1 PA Act 44 Assessment Item: Physical Security

The first and perhaps most critical PA Act 44 Assessment Item is Physical Security. This assessment involves a comprehensive evaluation of the school’s structural facilities and surrounding property while the school is in session. It also involves reviewing the school’s existing safety and security plan, crisis response and mitigation plans, and analyzing their crime prevention policies and practices. Local law enforcement agencies are also involved in the assessment, making sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to protecting our schools.

Ensuring the physical security of a school is vital in creating a safe learning environment for students. Therefore, schools need to work together to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to create a secure and safe space for their students.

#2 PA Act 44 Assessment Item:: Policy

The second PA Act 44 Assessment Item is Policy. This assessment involves an evaluation of the school’s policies and practices related to student safety, security, and management issues. It includes discussions with the school employees and a review of the student code of conduct.

Having well-defined policies in place is critical in ensuring the safety and security of students and staff. It is important to establish clear guidelines and protocols that can be followed in case of emergencies, as this helps to minimize risk and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

#3 PA Act 44 Assessment Item:: Training

The third PA Act 44 Assessment Item is Training. This assessment includes a review of the school’s safety and security training practices, recommendations for effective school safety and security training, and practices for all school employees. It also involves analyzing communication practices and available technology and tools.

Providing adequate training and resources is critical in ensuring that school employees are well-prepared to handle emergency situations. This not only ensures their safety but also the safety of the students under their care.

#4 PA Act 44 Assessment Item:: Student Assistance and Behavioral Health Support

A school’s safety measures are not just about physical security. Mental well-being plays a crucial role in creating a safe and supportive learning environment. This assessment involves analyzing the availability of student assistance programs and behavioral health professionals to assist the school. It also includes a review and consideration of recommendations by behavioral and physical health professionals.

Schools must have adequate resources in place to provide support and assistance to students who may be struggling with mental health issues.

#5 PA Act 44 Assessment Items:: Periodic review

The fifth and final PA Act 44 Assessment Item is Periodic Review. PA Act 44 specifies that the committee shall review the criteria at a minimum every three years and may make revisions as needed. This ensures that schools are continually evaluating their safety and security measures and making improvements as necessary to provide a safe learning environment for their students and staff.

In conclusion, Pennsylvania’s Act 44 provides a comprehensive framework for assessing and improving your school’s safety and security measures. By conducting these assessments and taking proactive steps to strengthen your security measures, you can create a safe and secure learning environment for your students and staff. Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and together, we can keep our schools safe and secure.

SOURCE: PCCD School Safety and Security Assessment Criteria

Copyright 2023

Simplify Your Act 44 Assessments with LARGO Consulting Services

LARGO Consulting Services, LLC was named an Approved School Safety and Security Assessment Provider in February 2019 and are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Act 44 compliance.

LARGO Consulting Services, LLC is committed to providing safe and secure environments where you live, work, study, and play. For more information about LARGO Secure Schools, please contact LARGO Consulting Services, LLC online or call 833-LARGOCS. We also invite you to connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.