“Safety and security don’t just happen. They are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.” – Nelson Mandela


Safety and Security Assessments


LARGO Consulting Services’ physical security assessment process VIZION360 was developed as a comprehensive roadmap to evaluate and future-proof our client’s security and safety programs, electronic security systems, emergency preparedness plans, and security force management practices. LARGO provides clients with this security risk and vulnerability assessment and recommendation process based on best practices, emerging trends, and the latest security technologies.

In the security industry, there has been a tendency for security consultants to hold observations until submitting the final physical security assessment report. All too often, the client would open that report to find personnel, infrastructure, or process items identified as risky and called out in alarming language – what LARGO calls the “GOTCHA” moment. VIZION360 eliminates the “GOTCHA” in conducting physical security assessments. At LARGO, our practice is to share the “GOTCHA” when we discover it, so our clients can take corrective action immediately to reduce risk and keep people safer.

After discussions with the client that establishes goals and objectives, LARGO structures the VIZION360 physical security assessment process to be implemented in a way that best fits the situation.

VIZION360 Physical Security Assessment Process often includes:
        • A site visit to conduct a security risk and vulnerability assessment of the property
        • Assessment of existing security systems, training programs, policies, procedures, and threat mitigation strategies compared to known best practices, standards, and guidelines
        • Interviews with key stakeholders, management, and security personnel
        • Review of existing security technologies and recommendations to migrate, upgrade, or replace systems
        • Meetings with existing security system manufacturer representatives to discuss product roadmaps
        • Written assessment reports and recommendations regarding the physical security of property, new security technologies, emerging trends, community engagement strategies, workforce utilization, and threat mitigation
        • A customized VIZION360 roadmap for implementing solutions
        • Facilitate information exchange between clients, asset managers, security integrators, manufacturers, service providers, software developers, and app developers to provide the best value to the client
        • Development of Policies and Procedures
        • Development of Emergency Response Plans
        • Development of Communication Plans
        • Conducting Tabletop Exercises
        • VIZION360 Training for public safety staff, onsite emergency responders, emergency response teams, and personnel
        • Subject Matter Expertise Procurement Services
        • Project Management Services

LARGO Consulting Services is approved by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency as a School Safety & Security Assessment Provider

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Any given day, Anything Can Happen, Be Prepared



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833.LARGOCS (833.527.4627)